Table 6(a) - All People of Working Age in Employment1,2 - Residence Based


GO Region/Country

    United Kingdom3 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
1999 Spring 26,235 1,007 2,893 2,166 1,916 2,344 2,505 3,265 3,823 2,233 22,152 1,179 2,222 671
  Summer 26,352 1,026 2,919 2,177 1,919 2,348 2,527 3,304 3,820 2,226 22,266 1,177 2,229 671
  Autumn 26,441 1,033 2,943 2,177 1,924 2,346 2,513 3,304 3,845 2,249 22,334 1,194 2,233 671
  Winter 26,480 1,036 2,930 2,175 1,935 2,330 2,517 3,322 3,863 2,256 22,363 1,191 2,245 672
2000 Spring 26,602 1,041 2,961 2,203 1,946 2,325 2,530 3,322 3,886 2,267 22,482 1,200 2,254 658
  Summer 26,729 1,048 2,971 2,219 1,940 2,330 2,555 3,334 3,887 2,287 22,571 1,200 2,287 666
  Autumn 26,675 1,054 2,926 2,206 1,926 2,320 2,571 3,333 3,872 2,287 22,497 1,188 2,303 680
  Winter 26,819 1,052 2,962 2,223 1,930 2,339 2,596 3,380 3,877 2,284 22,642 1,188 2,304 678
2001 Spring 26,872 1,057 2,975 2,211 1,927 2,365 2,587 3,392 3,892 2,292 22,699 1,180 2,303 685
  Summer 26,859 1,050 2,953 2,208 1,935 2,360 2,568 3,418 3,894 2,298 22,684 1,183 2,290 698
  Autumn 26,901 1,050 2,937 2,202 1,965 2,379 2,585 3,413 3,889 2,300 22,720 1,197 2,294 686
  Winter 26,922 1,054 2,966 2,210 1,953 2,373 2,599 3,413 3,899 2,299 22,766 1,191 2,278 683
2002 Spring 26,983 1,060 2,959 2,207 1,966 2,381 2,584 3,430 3,900 2,309 22,795 1,196 2,298 693
  Summer 27,047 1,061 2,965 2,219 1,980 2,383 2,585 3,434 3,889 2,316 22,832 1,218 2,300 693
  Autumn 27,130 1,054 3,017 2,233 1,975 2,381 2,571 3,431 3,879 2,327 22,868 1,237 2,319 702
  Winter 27,114 1,048 3,018 2,240 1,968 2,381 2,558 3,399 3,881 2,315 22,808 1,253 2,331 716
2003 Spring 27,239 1,059 3,042 2,253 1,973 2,381 2,585 3,399 3,889 2,309 22,891 1,279 2,342 719
  Summer 27,227 1,060 3,053 2,260 1,969 2,372 2,586 3,414 3,876 2,312 22,902 1,281 2,330 707
  Autumn 27,273 1,078 3,049 2,269 1,978 2,354 2,613 3,427 3,860 2,334 22,962 1,277 2,330 700
  Winter 27,400 1,082 3,070 2,268 1,991 2,390 2,626 3,435 3,868 2,352 23,081 1,270 2,337 705
2004 Spring 27,418 1,083 3,060 2,289 2,011 2,389 2,614 3,447 3,857 2,332 23,080 1,286 2,350 696
  Summer 27,420 1,092 3,064 2,288 1,989 2,394 2,626 3,418 3,871 2,344 23,087 1,258 2,365 702
  Autumn 27,546 1,090 3,083 2,292 1,997 2,430 2,623 3,419 3,896 2,334 23,165 1,282 2,375 712
  Winter 27,645 1,107 3,078 2,322 2,010 2,426 2,616 3,458 3,884 2,353 23,254 1,282 2,380 717
2005 Spring 27,618 1,102 3,073 2,295 2,008 2,430 2,621 3,447 3,895 2,370 23,241 1,265 2,380 717
  Summer 27,726 1,098 3,107 2,302 2,026 2,416 2,614 3,467 3,918 2,359 23,307 1,279 2,392 735
  Autumn 27,659 1,100 3,088 2,300 2,047 2,406 2,600 3,455 3,907 2,336 23,240 1,278 2,397 729
  Winter 27,707 1,108 3,077 2,327 2,050 2,389 2,592 3,485 3,913 2,344 23,285 1,273 2,394 737
1 Seasonally adjusted.
2 Including self-employed people.
3 Due to slight methodological differences between the way the national and regional LFS estimates have been interim adjusted for the 2001 Census, there may be small differences between the UK totals and the sum of the regional components.
Source: Labour Force Survey, Office for National Statistics