Table 5(c) - Median Full Time Service Sector Earnings1

£s Per Hour GO Region/Country
    United Kingdom North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Great Britain Northern Ireland
1998 Male 9.20 8.10 8.52 8.13 8.14 8.68 8.93 12.00 9.76 8.54 9.36 7.91 8.52 9.30 9.20
  Female 7.49 6.55 6.93 6.82 6.69 7.04 7.45 9.93 7.70 6.80 7.64 6.78 6.99 7.08 7.50
  Total 8.38 7.22 7.64 7.48 7.51 7.83 8.20 10.93 8.65 7.60 8.52 7.28 7.68 7.96 8.39
1999 Male 9.58 8.34 8.87 8.47 8.54 9.06 9.29 12.48 9.92 8.70 9.71 8.25 8.95 9.27 9.59
  Female 7.84 6.82 7.19 7.11 6.94 7.31 7.75 10.31 7.95 6.99 7.92 7.14 7.52 7.40 7.85
  Total 8.70 7.52 7.98 7.75 7.84 8.22 8.54 11.33 8.94 7.78 8.83 7.65 8.23 8.24 8.72
2000 Male 9.92 8.45 9.18 8.75 8.75 9.34 9.52 13.19 10.42 9.19 10.09 8.82 9.22 9.40 9.93
  Female 8.12 7.14 7.45 7.30 7.29 7.56 7.89 10.73 8.40 7.29 8.22 7.47 7.64 7.60 8.13
  Total 9.05 7.80 8.26 8.00 8.13 8.44 8.70 11.97 9.44 8.14 9.20 8.12 8.39 8.42 9.06
2001 Male 10.35 8.78 9.35 8.96 9.08 9.88 10.09 13.76 10.90 9.54 10.54 8.95 9.67 9.52 10.38
  Female 8.51 7.26 7.83 7.65 7.68 7.97 8.25 11.48 8.76 7.68 8.63 7.69 8.09 7.91 8.53
  Total 9.46 7.94 8.59 8.34 8.40 8.97 9.13 12.61 9.84 8.53 9.60 8.28 8.83 8.64 9.47
2002 Male 10.87 9.06 9.85 9.34 9.61 10.13 10.70 14.49 11.76 10.19 11.04 9.34 10.12 9.93 10.89
  Female 8.92 7.61 8.33 8.08 7.80 8.19 8.53 12.06 9.33 7.96 9.02 7.96 8.59 8.20 8.94
  Total 9.89 8.36 9.08 8.76 8.69 9.16 9.60 13.24 10.53 8.96 10.07 8.62 9.35 9.02 9.92
2003 Male 11.08 9.32 10.07 9.83 9.84 10.09 10.79 14.97 11.99 10.36 11.32 9.48 10.19 9.90 11.10
  Female 9.26 7.94 8.70 8.55 8.30 8.44 9.00 12.44 9.73 8.40 9.36 8.37 8.83 8.38 9.28
  Total 10.18 8.57 9.32 9.22 9.16 9.24 9.94 13.66 10.85 9.34 10.36 9.05 9.46 9.05 10.21
2004 Male 11.60 9.74 10.63 10.45 10.15 10.50 11.39 15.57 12.40 10.61 11.81 10.56 10.60 10.55 11.63
exc supp Female 9.72 8.57 8.94 8.90 8.57 9.01 9.46 12.95 10.11 8.79 9.84 8.79 9.25 9.21 9.72
surveys Total 10.69 9.18 9.75 9.68 9.46 9.78 10.48 14.22 11.29 9.71 10.85 9.71 9.90 9.95 10.71
2004 Male 11.48 9.67 10.54 10.30 10.00 10.27 11.24 15.42 12.27 10.54 11.68 10.37 10.53 10.30 11.50
inc supp Female 9.62 8.51 8.90 8.79 8.45 8.87 9.22 12.82 9.98 8.80 9.71 8.73 9.21 9.10 9.63
surveys2 Total 10.56 9.08 9.70 9.60 9.29 9.61 10.34 14.08 11.16 9.64 10.73 9.61 9.84 9.81 10.59
2005 Male 11.73 10.18 10.70 10.54 10.49 10.82 11.38 16.05 12.29 10.88 11.93 10.09 10.82 10.83 11.75
  Female 10.05 8.90 9.50 9.17 9.15 9.39 9.50 13.40 10.17 9.05 10.14 9.05 9.83 9.61 10.06
  Total 10.89 9.43 10.08 9.88 9.87 10.12 10.45 14.62 11.24 9.97 11.06 9.60 10.35 10.15 10.91
1 Full-time employees on adult rates whose pay for the survey pay period was unaffected by absence. Earnings include overtime.
2 Two sets of ASHE results are available for 2004. Those excluding supplementary surveys are comparable with 2003 and earlier years; those including supplementary surveys are comparable with 2005 data. 2004 Estimates have been revised for late corrections to the data and also to make them more comparable with 2005 estimates. See Definitions section.
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, Office for National Statistics; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland