3: Education and Training
9. Educational
and Vocational Attainment (England only)
indicators included within this section relate
directly to three of the National Learning
Targets for England (see Definitions for a
full description of the five targets).
Table 9(a) and Chart 9(a) show the proportion
of 19 year olds who have attained 5 or more
GCSEs at grade C and above, an intermediate
GNVQ or an NVQ level 2. The national target is
for 85% to have reached that level by the year
2002. In Spring 2001 the overall level for
England was 76%, with no individual region
achieving the target. The region closest to
this target was the South West with 79% whilst
the furthest away was Yorkshire and the
Humber, and the West Midlands, both at 73%.
Chart 9a
9(b) and 9(c) and Chart 9(b) give the
proportions of economically active adults
qualified to at least NVQ level 3 (national
target 50%) or NVQ level 4 (target 28%).
Spring 2001, 54% of economically active adults
in London were qualified to NVQ level 3, but
no other region met the national target. The
South East had slipped back from 50% to 48%
since Autumn 2000, but in all regions the
proportions qualified to level 3 has risen
since Spring 1998.
proportion of economically active adults in
London with qualifications to NVQ level 4 has
exceeded the national target consistently
since Winter 1997/98 and in Spring 2001
reached 37%. Also meeting or exceeding the
target were the South East (29%) and the South
West (28%). The overall figure for England in
spring 2001 was 27%.
The estimates contained in Tables 9(b) and
9(c) should be interpreted with some caution.
The results for London and the South East say
as much about the economic �pull� of these
regions and the mobility of people with a
qualification or equivalent of NVQ level 3 or
greater, as they do about the social and
demographic characteristics of other regions.
Chart 9(b)
Investors in People (IIP)
requires employers to ensure that everyone
working for them understands how their job
contributes to what the organisation wants to
achieve, receives the training and development
required to help them perform even better,
takes time to plan for the training and
development of their staff, and measures the
return on the investment in training and
of the national targets is for organisations
and is that, by 2002, 45% of organisations
with 50+ employees will be recognised as
Investors in People, and 10,000 organisations
with 10-49 employees will be recognised as
Investors in People.
10 provides the proportion of organisations
with 50+ and 200+ employees with Investors in
People recognition.
in the UK during March 2001, 33% of
organisations with 50 or more employees had
IIP recognition. In England, the North East
had the highest proportion (42%), and London
the lowest (30%). Northern Ireland (23%),
Wales (27%) and Scotland (28%) all had smaller
proportions of organisations who were IIP
recognised, but they are not covered by the
IIP target.
is clear that larger organisations are more
likely to be recognised as Investors in
People, with an overall recognition rate among
those with 200 or more employees of 55%.
Chart 10(a)
Chart 10(b)

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