Table 6(b) - Percentage of People of Working Age in Employment1,2,3 - Residence Based
Per Cent    GO Region/Country     
1998 Spring 72.9 66.7 69.3 71.9 76.2 73.8 77.7 69.7 78.9 77.7 73.8 67.5 71.4 67.0
  Summer 73.8 66.6 70.9 72.3 77.2 74.7 78.2 70.9 80.1 78.7 74.8 68.6 71.9 67.0
  Autumn 73.8 66.9 71.2 73.2 76.2 74.7 78.0 71.4 80.0 78.0 74.8 68.2 72.1 67.1
  Winter 73.5 65.7 70.4 72.7 76.5 73.7 77.6 71.4 80.1 78.3 74.5 68.5 71.2 67.6
1999 Spring 73.4 64.9 70.9 72.4 75.9 73.6 78.1 71.5 79.7 78.1 74.4 68.4 70.8 66.6
  Summer 74.2 67.4 72.0 73.8 76.5 74.4 78.9 72.3 80.0 78.6 75.3 69.2 71.9 67.2
  Autumn 74.3 67.6 72.8 73.7 76.5 74.4 78.4 71.8 80.2 78.8 75.3 69.5 71.8 67.2
  Winter 73.8 67.4 72.0 72.7 76.3 73.3 77.8 71.7 80.2 78.4 74.8 69.1 71.8 67.0
2000 Spring 74.0 67.4 72.7 73.5 76.8 73.1 78.3 71.3 80.6 78.6 75.1 69.4 71.9 65.0
  Summer 74.9 69.0 73.1 75.0 77.0 73.8 79.2 71.5 81.0 79.9 75.8 70.3 73.8 66.3
  Autumn 74.5 68.9 72.2 74.3 76.2 73.5 79.7 71.0 80.3 79.5 75.3 69.1 74.1 67.6
  Winter 74.3 68.4 72.6 73.9 75.7 73.4 79.9 71.2 80.0 78.6 75.2 68.8 73.6 66.9
2001 Spring 74.3 68.4 72.9 73.3 75.6 74.1 79.8 71.1 80.3 78.8 75.3 68.1 73.4 67.1
  Summer 74.7 69.2 72.4 74.2 76.2 74.5 79.2 71.5 80.6 79.7 75.6 69.2 73.7 68.8
  Autumn 74.5 68.7 72.1 73.8 77.2 75.0 79.7 71.0 80.1 79.5 75.5 69.4 73.7 67.5
  Winter 74.1 68.4 72.3 73.2 76.1 74.2 79.4 70.5 80.1 78.6 75.1 68.7 72.6 66.7
2002 Spring 74.1 68.5 72.0 72.9 76.5 74.3 79.2 70.9 80.1 79.0 75.1 68.5 73.1 67.5
  Summer 74.7 69.7 72.1 74.2 77.2 74.8 79.1 71.0 80.3 79.8 75.6 70.5 74.1 67.7
1: Including self - employed people.
2: Not seasonally adjusted.
3: UK figures have been adjusted to reflect the 2001 Census population data. The data for GO regions/countries are based on pre-Census mid-year population estimates, and as such are not consistent with the UK estimates.
Source: Labour Force Survey, ONS

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