Table 4(a)(i) - Value of exports of goods

GO Region/Country

      United Kingdom1 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
� per employee job 2001   7,369.9 7,505.8 5,764.1 4,302.1 7,820.6 5,906.8 7,249.7 5,755.7 7,332.2 4,003.4 6,113.5 6,628.4 7,550.2 5,916.1
  2002   7,248.3 7,242.2 5,902.7 4,425.6 7,396.8 6,031.9 7,229.4 6,541.0 7,155.4 3,601.8 6,195.3 6,157.2 6,904.1 5,048.3
  2003   7,245.5 7,995.0 5,759.8 4,415.8 8,117.2 5,782.0 7,916.1 5,973.4 7,908.1 4,391.4 6,406.6 6,675.3 5,914.0 6,093.1
  2004   7,266.3 8,195.5 5,999.9 4,713.0 7,951.6 5,946.1 7,738.6 5,714.9 8,170.3 4,539.5 6,463.5 7,506.0 5,275.0 6,475.9
  2005   7,958.5 8,223.0 6,367.8 5,288.6 8,892.4 6,577.0 8,405.7 6,679.5 8,898.7 4,761.9 7,083.2 7,402.1 5,457.7 6,678.0
  2006   9,017.3 8,261.7 7,820.9 5,552.7 9,863.9 7,785.4 8,812.0 7,320.0 9,300.2 4,977.7 7,748.5 7,814.8 5,668.0 7,342.8
� million 2001 Q1 49,769.8 1,835.8 4,195.0 2,480.8 3,366.4 3,334.7 4,373.0 6,196.1 6,896.8 2,258.8 34,937.3 1,830.1 4,840.3 1,046.2
    Q2 47,871.3 1,853.4 4,083.0 2,177.0 3,407.4 3,434.5 4,050.2 5,915.9 6,527.8 2,048.8 33,498.1 1,871.8 4,547.6 997.9
    Q3 44,906.0 1,655.3 3,920.3 2,136.7 3,394.4 3,039.3 3,750.4 5,638.7 6,166.1 1,883.7 31,584.9 1,720.7 3,576.4 898.3
    Q4 46,828.5 1,763.0 4,028.1 2,106.0 3,393.2 3,623.0 3,942.8 5,639.9 6,607.5 1,971.6 33,075.2 1,676.5 3,721.9 867.7
  2002 Q1 45,787.0 1,751.0 4,079.0 2,295.0 3,195.0 3,396.0 3,742.0 6,350.0 6,497.0 1,847.0 33,151.0 1,587.0 3,948.0 792.0
    Q2 49,546.0 1,837.0 4,406.0 2,486.0 3,363.0 3,685.0 4,074.0 7,238.0 6,673.0 1,957.0 35,720.0 1,653.0 3,909.0 850.0
    Q3 46,090.0 1,710.0 4,290.0 2,147.0 3,152.0 3,287.0 4,121.0 6,279.0 6,185.0 1,820.0 32,990.0 1,574.0 3,920.0 817.0
    Q4 45,553.0 1,640.0 4,095.0 2,149.0 3,153.0 3,433.0 4,293.0 6,114.0 6,390.0 1,911.0 33,178.0 1,805.0 3,840.0 883.0
  2003 Q1 45,611.0 1,828.0 3,723.0 2,264.0 3,176.0 3,113.0 4,356.0 6,551.0 6,776.0 2,021.0 33,808.3 1,797.0 3,425.0 870.0
    Q2 47,039.0 2,064.0 4,484.0 2,325.0 3,664.0 3,426.0 4,474.0 5,606.0 6,955.0 2,350.0 35,348.2 1,841.0 3,248.0 1,031.0
    Q3 47,125.0 2,049.0 4,391.0 2,349.0 3,721.0 3,198.0 4,453.0 5,721.0 7,283.0 2,404.0 35,570.2 1,730.0 3,219.0 1,033.0
    Q4 48,606.0 2,077.0 4,429.0 2,419.0 3,635.0 3,632.0 4,546.0 5,490.0 7,803.0 2,345.0 36,375.0 1,828.0 3,308.0 1,122.0
  2004 Q1 45,151.0 1,939.0 4,297.0 2,405.0 3,341.0 3,301.0 4,170.0 5,662.0 6,675.0 2,310.0 34,101.1 1,943.0 2,720.0 1,029.0
    Q2 46,747.0 2,036.0 4,404.0 2,450.0 3,275.0 3,565.0 4,528.0 5,603.0 7,044.0 2,393.0 35,296.6 2,019.0 2,981.0 1,101.0
    Q3 47,364.0 2,040.0 4,463.0 2,526.0 3,494.0 3,235.0 4,394.0 5,682.0 7,426.0 2,490.0 35,751.1 2,046.0 2,993.0 1,062.0
    Q4 51,305.0 2,107.0 4,673.0 2,789.0 3,806.0 3,623.0 4,938.0 5,506.0 8,211.0 2,544.0 38,198.1 2,309.0 3,239.0 1,198.0
  2005 Q1 47,481.0 1,897.2 4,233.6 2,851.9 3,537.7 3,329.2 4,283.9 6,061.6 6,935.3 2,388.1 35,518.6 2,190.6 2,743.8 1,074.9
    Q2 52,740.5 2,166.9 4,812.7 2,985.4 3,993.7 3,901.6 4,945.3 6,122.7 7,905.6 2,532.2 39,366.1 2,204.1 3,224.8 1,190.4
    Q3 53,403.4 2,120.0 4,912.1 2,904.1 4,101.6 3,743.1 4,585.0 7,127.8 8,233.0 2,547.9 40,274.6 2,085.1 3,401.3 1,126.4
    Q4 58,134.4 2,195.1 5,348.8 3,131.6 4,382.1 4,232.1 5,317.1 7,058.5 9,157.1 2,879.5 43,701.9 2,165.8 3,291.9 1,222.9
    Q1 64,655.1 2,060.3 5,981.2 3,284.4 4,666.7 4,547.5 5,366.4 8,199.2 8,846.0 2,720.8 45,672.5 2,319.8 3,277.5 1,212.5
  2006 Q2 69,857.0 2,149.3 7,407.2 3,498.6 5,080.5 5,457.5 5,548.4 9,695.7 9,092.1 2,822.5 50,751.7 2,437.6 3,590.9 1,306.3
    Q3 53,541.1 1,995.6 5,352.7 2,811.0 4,218.2 4,232.2 4,463.2 5,316.9 7,959.8 2,650.7 39,000.3 2,323.2 3,303.9 1,273.2
    Q4 53,449.2 2,238.2 4,964.1 2,949.5 3,917.7 3,708.3 4,757.4 6,031.9 8,010.5 2,742.0 39,319.7 2,211.4 3,113.5 1,325.8
1 UK figures include trade and GVA that cannot be allocated to regions.
Source: DTI analysis of information provided by the Statistics and Analysis of Trade Unit, HM Revenue and Customs and Short Term Employment Survey, ONS
Table 4(a)(ii) - Value of exports of goods as a percentage of headline regional GVA 2,3
Per cent GO Region/Country
      United Kingdom1 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
  2001   21.4 24.2 18.5 14.0 24.3 19.0 21.4 14.6 20.4 12.1 18.0 21.2 23.8 19.2
  2002   20.1 22.5 18.3 13.5 21.8 18.7 20.3 15.2 19.1 10.6 17.3 18.8 21.1 16.1
  2003   19.2 24.7 17.5 13.1 22.7 17.2 21.0 13.0 20.2 12.1 17.1 19.3 16.8 18.5
  2004   18.4 23.8 17.5 13.5 21.2 16.8 20.2 12.1 19.7 12.4 16.6 21.2 14.5 19.0
  2005   19.5 23.3 18.2 15.2 22.6 17.9 20.4 12.9 20.8 12.2 17.4 21.2 14.7 18.9
  20064   21.1 22.3 21.2 15.3 24.0 20.1 20.4 13.6 20.8 12.3 18.2 21.6 14.6 19.9
1 UK figures include trade and GVA that cannot be allocated to regions.
2 The headline regional GVA series for this publication have been calculated using a five-period moving average.
3 Estimates of workplace based GVA allocate income to the region in which commuters work
4 Uses 2005 regional GVA estimates adjusted for 2005/06 change in UK GVA at basic prices
Source: DTI analysis of information provided by the Statistics and Analysis of Trade Unit, HM Revenue and Customs and Short Term Employment Survey, ONS