Table 1(a)(i) - Headline1 Gross Value Added2 (Workplace Basis) per Head Indices                               

GVA Index (UK = 100) GO Region/Country
 United Kingdom3 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
1989 100 84.5 91.8 91.0 96.5 93.0 96.3 149.4 100.1 92.7 101.9 85.4 98.3 74.6
1990 100 84.2 91.8 90.7 95.7 92.9 96.3 149.4 100.3 92.7 101.8 84.8 99.0 75.3
1991 100 84.8 91.2 90.7 95.4 92.2 95.8 148.9 101.0 92.7 101.7 83.9 100.5 76.8
1992 100 85.2 91.2 90.1 95.0 92.2 95.9 148.8 101.5 92.1 101.6 83.9 101.0 77.8
1993 100 84.6 91.0 89.3 94.2 92.3 95.9 149.4 102.1 92.3 101.6 83.5 100.6 79.2
1994 100 84.1 91.1 89.2 94.5 93.1 96.2 148.0 102.5 92.1 101.6 83.7 100.6 79.5
1995 100 83.8 90.9 89.8 94.8 93.5 96.4 146.1 102.7 92.4 101.5 84.1 100.6 80.8
1996 100 82.6 90.2 90.0 94.7 93.1 96.0 147.1 103.3 93.4 101.7 82.9 99.6 81.3
1997 100 81.5 89.6 89.8 94.4 93.2 95.5 149.0 104.1 93.3 101.9 81.4 98.6 80.9
1998 100 80.1 89.0 89.0 93.1 92.6 95.3 151.8 106.1 93.1 102.2 79.7 96.6 80.6
1999 100 79.4 89.1 88.1 92.0 92.1 94.9 152.9 107.3 93.1 102.4 78.7 95.6 81.4
2000 100 79.1 88.8 87.9 91.5 92.0 94.8 152.4 108.2 93.2 102.4 78.5 95.3 81.6
2001 100 79.2 88.9 87.8 91.9 91.6 95.1 150.9 108.9 93.7 102.4 78.7 94.8 81.4
2002 100 78.8 88.2 87.7 91.7 90.5 95.1 152.4 108.9 93.9 102.4 78.1 95.3 80.5
2003 100 78.7 87.7 87.6 92.3 89.8 95.5 153.1 108.5 94.2 102.4 77.9 95.5 80.5
2004 100 79.0 87.6 87.3 92.7 89.5 95.9 153.4 108.1 94.3 102.4 77.8 95.4 80.5
2005 100 79.5 87.7 87.2 93.1 89.4 95.6 153.2 107.3 94.4 102.4 78.1 95.9 80.3
Source: Regional Accounts, Office for National Statistics


Table 1(a)(ii) - Headline1 Gross Value Added2 (Workplace Basis) - £ per head
£ per Head GO Region/Country
 United Kingdom3 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
1989 7,933 6,700 7,281 7,218 7,655 7,377 7,639 11,848 7,943 7,352 8,084 6,774 7,801 5,916
1990 8,596 7,237 7,887 7,793 8,227 7,986 8,278 12,843 8,626 7,969 8,755 7,290 8,507 6,473
1991 8,964 7,602 8,176 8,130 8,552 8,263 8,587 13,345 9,056 8,313 9,116 7,517 9,005 6,883
1992 9,339 7,954 8,520 8,417 8,868 8,607 8,955 13,900 9,477 8,603 9,490 7,835 9,428 7,264
1993 9,793 8,281 8,916 8,748 9,224 9,038 9,396 14,626 10,000 9,036 9,952 8,182 9,851 7,752
1994 10,310 8,667 9,391 9,196 9,743 9,594 9,922 15,263 10,566 9,499 10,476 8,625 10,374 8,193
1995 10,812 9,059 9,829 9,712 10,246 10,109 10,418 15,801 11,109 9,987 10,979 9,089 10,874 8,735
1996 11,441 9,452 10,325 10,298 10,834 10,654 10,987 16,830 11,814 10,684 11,636 9,481 11,394 9,303
1997 12,106 9,861 10,853 10,871 11,426 11,288 11,558 18,040 12,607 11,299 12,337 9,860 11,932 9,791
1998 12,847 10,294 11,438 11,433 11,960 11,894 12,245 19,505 13,630 11,962 13,132 10,237 12,415 10,357
1999 13,401 10,635 11,934 11,811 12,329 12,336 12,720 20,494 14,374 12,481 13,716 10,548 12,814 10,907
2000 13,910 11,007 12,353 12,229 12,734 12,791 13,187 21,205 15,054 12,962 14,241 10,920 13,256 11,352
2001 14,584 11,556 12,958 12,811 13,396 13,355 13,865 22,014 15,887 13,659 14,936 11,482 13,832 11,878
2002 15,346 12,099 13,542 13,463 14,070 13,891 14,598 23,394 16,712 14,408 15,721 11,980 14,623 12,347
2003 16,218 12,770 14,230 14,211 14,965 14,566 15,490 24,832 17,595 15,276 16,612 12,633 15,488 13,049
2004 17,115 13,524 14,994 14,936 15,862 15,325 16,419 26,262 18,496 16,141 17,532 13,316 16,334 13,782
2005 17,677 14,048 15,504 15,419 16,451 15,812 16,906 27,088 18,976 16,685 18,097 13,813 16,944 14,196

1 The headline regional GVA series for this publication have been calculated using a five-period moving average.
2 Estimates of workplace based GVA allocate income to the region in which commuters work. Regional GVA figures from 1990 to 2004 have been revised due to revisions to national controls (Blue Book 2006) and survey results.
3 Excluding Extra-Regio income.

Source: Regional Accounts, Office for National Statistics