Table 5(c) - Median Full Time Service Sector Earnings1
�s Per Hour


UKGO Region/Country ENG GB 
  1998 Males 9.20 8.10 8.52 8.13 8.14 8.68 8.93 12.00 9.76 8.54 9.36 7.91 8.52 9.20 9.30
   Females 7.49 6.55 6.93 6.82 6.69 7.04 7.45 9.93 7.70 6.80 7.64 6.78 6.99 7.50 7.08
   All 8.38 7.22 7.64 7.48 7.51 7.83 8.20 10.93 8.65 7.60 8.52 7.28 7.68 8.39 7.96
  1999 Males 9.58 8.34 8.87 8.47 8.54 9.06 9.29 12.48 9.92 8.70 9.71 8.25 8.95 9.59 9.27
   Females 7.84 6.82 7.19 7.11 6.94 7.31 7.75 10.31 7.95 6.99 7.92 7.14 7.52 7.85 7.40
   All 8.70 7.52 7.98 7.75 7.84 8.22 8.54 11.33 8.94 7.78 8.83 7.65 8.23 8.72 8.24
  2000 Males 9.92 8.45 9.18 8.75 8.75 9.34 9.52 13.19 10.42 9.19 10.09 8.82 9.22 9.93 9.40
   Females 8.12 7.14 7.45 7.30 7.29 7.56 7.89 10.73 8.40 7.29 8.22 7.47 7.64 8.13 7.60
   All 9.05 7.80 8.26 8.00 8.13 8.44 8.70 11.97 9.44 8.14 9.20 8.12 8.39 9.06 8.42
  2001 Males 10.35 8.78 9.35 8.96 9.08 9.88 10.09 13.76 10.90 9.54 10.54 8.95 9.67 10.38 9.52
   Females 8.51 7.26 7.83 7.65 7.68 7.97 8.25 11.48 8.76 7.68 8.63 7.69 8.09 8.53 7.91
   All 9.46 7.94 8.59 8.34 8.40 8.97 9.13 12.61 9.84 8.53 9.60 8.28 8.83 9.47 8.64
  2002 Males 10.87 9.06 9.85 9.34 9.61 10.13 10.70 14.49 11.76 10.19 11.04 9.34 10.12 10.89 9.93
   Females 8.92 7.61 8.33 8.08 7.80 8.19 8.53 12.06 9.33 7.96 9.02 7.96 8.59 8.94 8.20
   All 9.89 8.36 9.08 8.76 8.69 9.16 9.60 13.24 10.53 8.96 10.07 8.62 9.35 9.92 9.02
  2003 Males 11.08 9.32 10.07 9.83 9.84 10.09 10.79 14.97 11.99 10.36 11.32 9.48 10.19 11.10 9.90
   Females 9.26 7.94 8.70 8.55 8.30 8.44 9.00 12.44 9.73 8.40 9.36 8.37 8.83 9.28 8.38
   All 10.18 8.57 9.32 9.22 9.16 9.24 9.94 13.66 10.85 9.34 10.36 9.05 9.46 10.21 9.05
  2004 Males 11.58 9.71 10.61 10.43 10.15 10.52 11.33 15.57 12.38 10.58 11.79 10.56 10.58 11.62 10.56
exc supp   Females 9.69 8.53 8.91 8.87 8.57 8.94 9.38 12.97 10.03 8.79 9.80 8.79 9.27 9.70 9.26
surveys   All 10.66 9.13 9.73 9.67 9.46 9.75 10.40 14.22 11.26 9.68 10.83 9.73 9.89 10.69 10.01
  2004 Males 11.52 9.71 10.61 10.38 10.01 10.48 11.18 15.53 12.31 10.54 11.76 10.30 10.57 11.55 10.38
inc supp   Females 9.64 8.48 8.88 8.87 8.52 8.87 9.29 12.89 9.98 8.78 9.72 8.74 9.25 9.64 9.17
surveys2   All 10.61 9.10 9.71 9.64 9.35 9.65 10.29 14.16 11.22 9.64 10.76 9.64 9.87 10.62 9.91

1 Full-time employees on adult rates whose pay for the survey pay period was unaffected by absence.
2 Includes supplementary information, results are not therefore comparable with earlier years.
Source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, ONS; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland