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Statistics and Analysis Directorate:

Statistics and Analysis Directorate Homepage

This listing is designed to provide an initial contact point for those seeking statistical briefing or advice in the following areas and, in some cases, links to other homepages containing relevant statistics.

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The Department�s statisticians have a wide range of responsibilities. They provide advice and briefing to Ministers and policy divisions on macro-economic, industry, energy, trade, employment relations, and small firms statistics. This includes advice on statistical methodology and on the conduct of urveys. The main data sources for the Department�s statisticians are the range of economic, trade and industry statistics collected by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The Department�s statisticians are also responsible for collecting and compiling statistics on the construction industry, on the production and consumption of energy in the United Kingdom and information on energy trade and prices.

Our mission is:

To provide a quality statistical service to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, the business community and the wider public on industrial, trade and energy matters to improve decision making and debate.

Strategic Policy Analysis

The statistical side of the Directorate is headed by Tim Andrews, the Chief Adviser on Statistics and Chief of Profession for BERR statisticians. The directorate is organised as follows:

SPA � Statistics and Analysis

The SPA-SA team provides core statistical support, mainly to colleagues in the Department. Work areas include regional statistics (Regional competitiveness and State of the regions); survey control and advice; UK trade in goods and international trade; and service sector statistics. It also undertakes analysis of personnel statistics and ad hoc consultancy work for other parts of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR). Staff deals with issues that extend beyond a single industry such as cross-sectoral industry analysis and trade statistics. There is also an important advisory role, liaising with data providers and keeping statisticians in the Department informed of developments in statistical sources.


National Statistics policy and liaison; Statistical consultancy

Geoff Reed

0207 215 3282

Service sector statistics

Keith Brook

0207 215 3292

UK trade in goods, international trade and general international comparisons of economic statistics

Henry Bottomley

0207 215 3281

Survey design and analysis; Foreign Direct Investment; Competition and consumer affairs statistical advice; Environmental statistics

Arthur Barnett

0207 215 3284

Survey support for business support, survey consultancy and survey control liaison

Natalia Chivite-Matthews

0207 215 3280

Geographical statistics, Business Demography and data linking

Michael Clary

0207 215 3279

Mapping and Regional data relevant to Economic Performance and Productivity

Steven White

0207 215 3397

SPA � Economic Analysis

SPA-EA coordinates BERR research and analysis assessing developments in the domestic and world economy so as to underpin the UK's productivity agenda and support strategic policy development, and the impacts of globalisation.

The statisticians within SPA-EA provide macro economic statistics on the domestic economy and international comparisons.

Macro economic statistics

Ivan Bishop

0207 215 1831

SPA � Construction Market Intelligence

Construction Market Intelligence statisticians produce and interpret construction data for use by policy teams, UK business, consumers, industry researchers and National Accounts.  Data are available on request.

Head of statistical advice on construction. Building materials for construction

Keith Folwell

0207 215 1248

Construction output and new orders. Output price indices. Construction Statistics Annual General briefing

Frances Pottier

0207 215 1953

SPA � Performance Evaluation and Business Economics

The Performance Evaluation and Business Economics Team responsibilities include:

- Target setting and performance measurement;

- Guidance, methodology and peer review for appraisal and evaluation of programmes and policies, including regulations;

- Economic and statistical advice on business and industrial issues;

- Co-ordination of cross-cutting economic research;

- Effects of EU Emissions Trading Scheme on industrial sectors; and

- Green and low carbon industrial policy and sustainable development.

The statistician helps obtain and interpret the raw data needed by policy directorates and get them in the form needed for economic project work.


Advice on statistics for specific industries

Philip Beckett

0207 215 1883

Other BERR directorates

Enterprise Directorate

The Statistics and Performance Indicator Team responsibilities include:

The production of National Statistics and general statistical briefing on SMEs including analysis to inform policy development or assess policy impact and performance against key measures;

Providing advices on suitable data sources, statistical methodology, and reliability of external surveys/sources; and Taking forward work to improve access to data on SME's across Government.

The statistics covered by the section include:

SME Statistics for the UK, including data on the number and contribution of businesses in each size band and industry;

VAT Registration and De-registration Statistics;

Business Survival Rates; and Enterprise in Disadvantaged Communities.

ED Analysis and Statistics

Paula Maratos

0114 279 4435

  Linda Oldfield 0114 279 4437

Regional Policy

The statistician in the Regions Team is responsible for providing statistical advice on various regional issues, including BERR�s Regional Economic Performance PSA target and Gross Value Added (GVA), regional analytical advice, and technical queries on Assisted Areas and the SFIE (Selective Finance for Investment in England) Grant Scheme.

Regional Statistics David Southworth 0207 215 2612

Employment Relations

The ER directorate is responsible for policy on Dispute Resolution including tribunals. It also works to develop a framework for employers and employees which promotes a skilled and flexible labour market founded on principles of partnership. It deals with relationships between workers and their employers, including individual rights as well as collective arrangements.

The Economics and Statistics Unit within ER provides labour market briefings on pay, minimum wage, and long hours working. They are also responsible for trade union data, and the Labour Force Survey.

Labour Market Statistics

Heidi Grainger

0207 215 5934


Analysis on energy statistics are provided by the Energy Market Unit (EMU) and the Energy Strategy and International Unit (ESIU).


The Energy Markets Unit is responsible for UK, international and European, energy policy, for the domestic electricity, gas and petroleum markets, and for the development of North Sea infrastructure. This includes social, environmental and consumer issues, information and statistics.

Fuel poverty and Energy prices

Peter Matejic

0207 215 2720

Energy consumption and efficiency statistics, Energy and the Environment

Julian Prime

0207 215 6178



One of the purposes of ESIU is to set the strategic direction and provide the analytical underpinning for energy policy at regional, national, European and International level, and to provide a challenge function for the rest of the Energy Group.

Energy balances, Energy prices, Energy statistics publications disseminations

Iain Macleay

0207 215 6898

Analysis of electricity, coal, solid fuels, downstream gas, Renewable Energy and CHP statistical analysis

Mike Janes

0207 215 5186

Oil and upstream gas Martin Young 0207 215 5184
UKCS Financial Statistics Suhail Siddiqui 0207 215 5262

Agencies and associated bodies

Insolvency services

Since 2 January 2006, responsibility for publication of insolvency statistics has transferred to The Insolvency Service, an Executive Agency of BERR. The Statistics Team there are based within the Policy Directorate, which is responsible for all aspects of insolvency policy for England and Wales and for certain aspects of corporate insolvency policy in Scotland. The statisticians' responsibilities include the compilation and dissemination of insolvency statistics and statistical consultancy, principally within the policy area but also more widely across The Service.

Insolvency statistics, IDBR, Statistical Liaison, Statistical consultancy

Margaret Sims

0207 637 6443

Insolvency statistics, IDBR, Statistical Liaison

Gary Mills

0207 637 6504

Policy development

Mita Kerai

0207 637 6504

Insolvency website

Low Pay Commission

The Low Pay Commission is an independent body advising the Government about the Minimum Wage. The LPC undertakes the following activities:

Extensive research and consultation;

Commission research projects;

Analyse relevant data and actively encourage the Office of National Statistics to establish better estimates of the incidence of low pay;

Carry out surveys of firms in low-paying sectors;

Consultation with employers, workers and their representatives;

Take written and oral evidence from a wide range of organisations; and Fact-finding visits throughout the UK to meet employers, employees and representative organisations.

LPC Chief Economist

Tim Butcher

0207 215 8245

LPC website

Office of Manpower Economics

The Office of Manpower Economics (OME), established in 1970, is a non-statutory Non Departmental Public Body (NDPB), independent of HM Government. The Office provides the Secretariat for six Pay Review Bodies that exist to advise HM Government on the remuneration of certain occupational groups in the public sector:

- Armed Forces' Pay Review Body (AFPRB);
- Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration (DDRB);
- NHS Pay Review Body (NHSPRB);
- Prison Service Pay Review Body (PSPRB);
- School Teachers' Review Body (STRB);
- Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB).

The OME also provides secretariat services for:
- The Police Advisory Board England & Wales (PABEW):
- The Police Negotiating Board (PNB).

The Research and Analysis Group within the OME is responsible for devising and implementing the OME and Pay Review Bodies research strategy.

Head of Statistics

Grant Whitfield

0207 215 8384

OME website

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Last updated 10/01/2008