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Services investment1 by foreign-owned companies (£m)

Region ONS Code 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Average 1998_2003
North East A 175 228 416 218 555 457 342
North West B 244 186 462 533 482 526 406
Yorkshire & the Humber D 113 161 459 290 320 347 282
East Midlands E 135 148 322 367 319 371 277
West Midlands F 272 326 532 544 485 514 446
East of England G 1,062 462 1,100 640 633 577 746
London H 389 1,207 1,788 1,812 1,205 1,235 1,273
South East J 1,151 1,400 2,881 1,729 1,920 1,835 1,819
South West K 188 215 423 404 464 415 352
England 064 3,729 4,333 8,384 6,536 6,383 6,277 5,940
Wales 220 54 86 127 108 115 109 100
Scotland 179 158 136 332 590 429 369 336
Northern Ireland 152 39 62 59 84 44 61 58
UK 213 3,979 4,617 8,902 7,318 6,971 6,816 6,434
Source: Annual Business Inquiry (ABI), Office for National Statistics

1. ABI data omit some parts of the Services and Other categories. Please see ABI section of the National Statistics website for more on methodology (
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