Reference 06/433c
Date 1 December
Output (Tables 1 to 3)
The total volume of construction output in the year to the third quarter of
2006 was unchanged compared to the previous year. Overall new work rose over
the same period, with increases in all sectors except public non-housing and
infrastructure output. Repair and maintenance fell in all sectors. Output in
the third quarter of 2006 rose by one per cent compared to the second
quarter of 2006 in volume terms and by three per cent in current prices.
The total volume of new work in the year to the third quarter of 2006 was
four per cent higher compared with the previous year and rose by two per
cent in the third quarter when compared with the previous quarter. The total
volume of repair and maintenance work fell by four per cent in the year to
the third quarter of 2006 compared with the previous year, and was one per
cent lower in the third quarter of 2006 compared to the previous quarter.
New private housing work in the year to the third quarter of 2006 was two
per cent higher compared with the previous year and the third quarter of
2006 was three per cent higher than the previous quarter. New work in the
public housing sector in the year to the third quarter of 2006 was 20 per
cent higher (on a small base figure) compared with the previous year but the
latest quarter was three per cent lower than the previous quarter. New
infrastructure output in the year to the third quarter of 2006 was three per
cent lower compared with the previous year but the third quarter of 2006
rose by four per cent compared with the previous quarter.
New construction work in the private industrial sector in the year to the
third quarter of 2006 was 11 per cent higher compared with the previous year
and was three per cent higher in the latest quarter compared with the
previous quarter. New private commercial output in the year to the third
quarter of 2006 was nine per cent higher compared to the previous year and
was two per cent higher in the third quarter of 2006 compared to the
previous quarter. New work in the public non-housing sector (excluding
infrastructure) in the year to the third quarter of 2006 fell by five per
cent compared to the previous year but rose by one per cent compared with
the previous quarter.
Housing repair and maintenance work (including improvement work) in the
public sector fell by seven per cent in the year to the third quarter of
2006 compared with the previous year but rose by three per cent in the most
recent quarter compared with previous quarter. Housing repair and
maintenance work in the private sector in the year to the third quarter of
2006 was two per cent lower compared with the previous year and fell by
seven per cent in the third quarter of 2006 compared to the previous
Repair and maintenance work in the public non-housing sector in the year to
the third quarter of 2006 was four per cent lower compared with the previous
year, but was three per cent higher in the most recent quarter compared with
the previous quarter. Repair and maintenance work in the private non-housing
sector in the year to the third quarter of 2006 was three per cent lower
compared with the previous year but rose by two per cent in the most recent
quarter compared with the previous quarter.
Employment (Table 6)
The seasonally adjusted number of employees in employment in July 2006 was
one per cent higher compared with April 2006 but was unchanged when compared
with July 2005. Total employment (including the self-employed) in July 2006
was one per cent higher compared with April 2006 but was unchanged when
compared with July 2005.
Regional breakdown (Table 4)
Table 4 shows current price contractors output by Government Office region.
Constant Price information (tables 1, 2 and 5) is given in 2000 prices in
line with other economic data.
Current price figures (Table 3a) are adjusted - using information on the
movement of output price indices - to produce constant price seasonally
adjusted figures (Tables 1 and 2) which provide a measure of volume.
Additional graphs showing more detailed trends in individual sectors are
included in the Information Bulletin.
Next publication date of Output and Employment in the Construction Industry
Information Bulletin: 2 March 2007
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Table 1: Volume of construction output by all agencies, by
type of work, at constant (2000) prices, seasonally adjusted (44Kb)
Table 2: Volume of construction output by all agencies, by
type of work, seasonally adjusted volume index numbers (43Kb)
Table 3a: Value of construction output by all agencies, by
type of work (at current prices) (43Kb)
Table 3b: Value of construction output new work by
, by type of work (29Kb)
Table 4: Value of output obtained by contractors, by type of
work, by region (at current prices) (88Kb)
Table 5: Volume of construction output by all agencies, by
type of work, at constant (2000) prices, seasonally adjusted (37Kb)
Table 6: Construction industry employees and total
employment (45Kb)
Graphs illustrating output data for Q3 2006
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