Literacy and numeracy
for literacy and numeracy are taken from OECD, Literacy Skills for the Knowledge
Society. The chart shows the percentage of adults with ‘poor’ level 1
literacy and numeracy skills. Further results from the Adult Literacy Survey,
November 1997, OECD.
Data measuring progress in meeting National Learning Targets for England for
2002, set by the Department for Education and Employment, are derived from
National Statistics, Spring Labour Force Surveys.
Intermediate and higher level skills
on vocational and general qualifications in France, Germany and the UK are taken
from the Skills Task Force Research Paper.
Lifelong learning
on continuing education and training are taken from the OECD Programme for
International Study Assessment (PISA), sourced on the International Adult
Literacy Survey 1994-98 and national household surveys on adult education and
Management skills
on business perceptions of the efficiency of management are taken from the
International Institute for Management Development’s World Competitiveness
Yearbook 2002. The indicators used from the publication chosen were principally
the availability of competent senior managers and the international experience
of management. The priority of employee training was also included (with a lower
weight) as an indicator of the degree to which management invests in its people.
IT skills shortage reason for not adopting or further developing ICT
on IT skills shortages as a reason for not adopting or developing ICT are taken
from DTI Business into the Information Age: International Benchmarking Study,
2001. Note that this indicator has
changed since UK Competitiveness Indicators: 2nd Edition.
The latter recorded data on IT skills shortages as a reason for not
adopting or further developing e-commerce.
Another change to UK Competitiveness Indicators: 2nd Edition is the
scale, 5 measuring disagree strongly.
Last updated on 20 November 2003